Procreate samsung
Procreate samsung

If you’re not an iPad user, it’s a bummer, right?! There’s a lot of disappointment that Procreate doesn’t have versions of its software that’s compatible with Windows, Android, desktops, laptops, and more. If you’re already an iPad user, it’s actually really nice to have a program like Procreate that caters to it. Not to mention how wonderfully it works with the Apple Pencil too. Given that it’s designed only with the iPad in mind, all of Procreate’s features are perfectly suited to it. The perk of this is a that it works beautifully with iPads. Procreate was designed with the iPad in mind. Currently, there aren’t any versions of Procreate that work outside of the Apple ecosystem. There is an iPhone version of Procreate called Procreate Pocket that works exclusively with iPadOS. Procreate only works with iPads as it was designed exclusively for the iPadOS system. Is this just a coincidence? Or, does Procreate only work on iPads? If you’ve been wanting to jump on the Procreate train, you may have noticed that a lot of the artists that use it have iPads.

procreate samsung

Procreate is an amazing drawing software that has gotten a lot of great attention over the years. This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you decide to purchase through my links.

Procreate samsung